i saw you two days ago
where did you go?
i bought you a pacifier
for you to lace with drugs
but haven't seen you since thursday
i am sad
and feel unproductive
like there are a trillion assorted miniature zoo animals
falling from the existential plane above my head
and collecting in my ankle/wrist area
preventing me from walking anywhere or typing anything
i will defiantly walk out into the street
and smoke a cigarette, looking sophisticated and bohemian
and die
my corpse will combust spontaneously
and my neighbors will gather around the bonfire of my shell and say 'he was an alright guy'
and walk away with neutral facial expressions
continuing with their routines
which include cooking, watching television, reprimanding various children, and masturbating in their respective houses
as well as other places
given the right amount of privacy
i just died